Reviews from previous editions

We were pleased to come to the show that was really very well organised. Everything was great and the only minor observation I can make is that maybe you could organise the talks between companies and super markets in another way so that there are not many people standing and waiting for the others to finish. I don’t say that it was a real problem but it is the only thing that I can think of that it could be improved in some way.

Costas Pagomenakis

Frutonea Magazine

Personally, I am very pleased with the participation in the Fresh Market 2016 Conference. As a representative of Harvest House Growers -Rainbow International B.V. From Holland it is a great opportunity to talk with our trading partners from Poland and the opportunity to meet new participants of the Conference. These types of meetings are need definitely.

Sabina Dziedzieska

Harvest House Growers -Rainbow International B.V.

It was the first time that we participated at Fresh Market and we didn´t know firstly how will be the event. Once being there I think we had a good result of connections to potential clients and we could have an idea about the polish market and how do it works.

We plan to participate at Fresh Market 2011, but we have to see first the results of our visiting at Fresh Market 2010. We contact to potential clients, nevertheless we already haven´t closed anything. We are still working and trying to see the possibility to make some business. We think that the organization was quite good, but it is a little “fair” and the possibilities are quite short.

Mónica Monsalve Reineking

Dir. Comercial GRUFESA

Organizatorzy Fruit Expo i Fresh Market stworzyli wyjątkowe wydarzenie w branży. Jest to prawdziwa okazja do nawiązania bezpośrednich kontaktów biznesowych z sieciami handlowymi. Dla dystrybutorów jest to także możliwość dotarcia do krajowych producentów, natomiast dla producentów Fruit Expo to dodatkowa okazja do nawiązania kontaktów także z producentami opakowań, dostawcami chłodziarek oraz innych usług dla sektora.

Organizatorzy dołożyli wszelkiej staranności, aby stworzyć jak najlepsze warunki prezentacji firmy oraz nawiązania kontaktów biznesowych.

Anna Wiernicka

Responsabile Marketing Villafrut

Formuła konferencji jest bardzo ciekawa. Dobrze, że w jednym miejscu, w ciągu jednego dnia można się spotkać z wieloma przedstawicielami sieci i firmami z jednej branży.

Organizatorzy stworzyli przyjazne warunki do rozmów, gdzie obie strony zainteresowane są podnoszeniem jakości swoich usług i są otwarte na rozmowy handlowe. Mamy nadzieję, że przerodzą się one w owocne, długofalowe kontakty.

Anna Wróbel

Agencja Reklamowa Tango

Pomysł polegający na zebraniu pod jednym dachem przedstawicieli największych sieci detalicznych i firm (…) o różnych specjalizacjach pozwoliło nam na bardzo szybkie i skuteczne nawiązanie kontaktów, które w obecnej chwili nabrały charakteru współpracy z wieloma z uczestników. Doskonała organizacja i fantastyczna obsługa ze strony organizatora spowodowała, że rozmowy z potencjalnymi kontrahentami odbywały się bardzo sprawnie. Sądzimy, że kolejna edycja będzie równie udana.

Krzysztof Cygan

Sirane Polska Sp.z o.o.

Uważam, że to coś nowego i potrzebnego.

Z tego względu, że wszystkie tego typu targi są jak gdyby przepełnione uczestnikami, nie ma takiej bezpośredniej możliwości porozmawiania, uchwycenia tych 5 minut, żeby podzielić się czymś, czy choćby wymienić kilka cennych uwag.

Eryk Baniak

ANO, właściciel marki Igloopol

I met the actors about the large distribution, the retails and food service. As well as a warm welcome and excellent organization, the appointments were qualitative and promising. The catering services and related services were the same level. This day of meetings between producers and buyers was a great success and was followed by a cocktail reception. Thank you to the whole team!

Patrick Coibion

Sales Manager BLUE ELEPHANT Fine Food Catering

Thank you

In the start of June 2015 I checked and the FreshMarket-Retail-Event was announced for last Friday of September. My attention was attracted .

I tried to fill in all company details on the digital form , but as I am not a very handyman in that discipline I needed help. I got that help from the organizer. Since that moment he answered many questions from my side .

We planned our trip to Poland and we could combine with several visits to people that we know on the way to Ozarow Mazowiecki. We checked some orchards , we had nice meetings and great weather and on Thursday 24-09 late afternoon we arrived in Mazurkas .

On Friday morning 25-09 I was at 7.00 allready in the Exhibition-hall at our stand . We had a nice place close to registration desk and we talked with allmost everybody that was interested. Even before our discussions with retailers started we were allready very satisfied about the quality of the contacts that we had made.

The speed-dates with the retail-managers were as succesfull as the meetings we had on our stand with other traders and business-people.

After the serious part of the day we went to the party with the great buffet !. Allthough the number of visitors was not huge , even there we made some new contacts !

I am proud about the real good job that you and your team have fixed . The preparations and the Fresh Market event was a big succes due to your hard work and your well selected , educated and governed team . I regret that I did not ask the microphone from the singer of the band to ask a big applause from all the visitors specially for you , but I hope to have a new chance next year !!!

Once again thank you so much !!! You can be very proud of your performance !

Kees Oskam

Company Jan Oskam BV – The Netherlands

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